Invalid access token. in DashBoards List meeting participants

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Hello, I am leaving a message because I have a question about using the API.

Previously, the jwt method was used. The jwt method has been discontinued and is being changed to server to server oauth.

We hope to use List meeting participants ‘/accounts/{accountId}/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants’

  1. Access_token was received through

  2. “scope”: "user:write:admin meeting_token:read:admin:local_recording dashboard_zr:read:admin dashboard_im:read:admin user:read:admin meeting:read:admin:sip_dialing information_barriers:write:admin dashboard_home:read: admin dashboard_crc:read:admin meeting_token:read:admin:live_streaming meeting:write:admin:sip_dialing user:master meeting:master meeting_token:read:admin:local_archiving information_barriers:read:admin dashboard:master dashboard_webinars:read:admin meeting:read: I checked the permissions with “admin dashboard_meetings:read:admin information_barriers:read:master meeting:write:admin information_barriers:write:master”. Check the scope.

  3. We tested with{userId}, the token worked normally, and we were able to receive a response.

  4. However, when calling GET/accounts/{accountId}/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants
    Authorization : Bearer {mytoken}
    url : /accounts/{accountId}/metrics/meetings/{meetingId}/participants
    meetingId length is 10

status : 401
body : {
“code”: 124,
“message”: “Invalid access token.”
An error like this is occurring.

I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to solve the problem.

Hi @itallon32 ! This is a Master Account API: Master Account API

Can you please confirm you are a master account? Here are similar threads:

I complete my job use this url

Hi @itallon32 , are you saying this is now resolved?