Invalid Redirect (4,700) for production app

Hi, my Zoom Marketplace app was just approved. The development authorization works.

But the production one does not and returns Invalid redirect: (4,700):

This is the case even when regenerating the Production authorization URL from the app page and navigating to that (it gives this URL which produce the same 4,700 error)

I have double checked that the URL is the same in the app’s “OAuth Redirect URL” field, and that it also exists in the “OAuth Allow Lists” list in exactly the same format:

Development info


Production info


(I cannot edit the production values, but editing the development values updates the production ones. Not sure if this is expected)

From what I can see all the setup is correct, and the URL and formatting of it is valid because it all works in the development authentication URL, where the only difference is the client ID.

Any guidance on why this does not work for the production authentication URL?

I also now cannot edit the production “OAuth Redirect URL” to test it out with new values.

For the “OAuth Allow Lists” editing the development values also edits the production values, but the same doesn’t happen for “OAuth Redirect URL”.
