Invalid Redirect URL (4700)

When users try to connect their Zoom Account with our app, they receive an Invalid Redirect Link Error (4700).

The URLs set in the Allow List are correct, I can connect using the stage environment, but not prod. The app’s name is “GoodTime Interview Scheduling”. It has existed for a long time, the stage URL was already there. Any new URL I try to add is ignored, only the old ones work.

We have another Zoom app, called “GoodTime Meet”, and for this one, the new URLs added to the Allow List work at the exact same time they are added.

It seems Zoom is not refreshing the new URLs for our app, and I’m not sure what else I can try on our end to fix that. Can I get some help? Thanks!

Hi @guilherme.deassis
Thanks for reaching out to us and welcome to our community, I am happy to help here!

This is expected, if you recently added a new URL, you will have to submit your app for review with the Marketplace team so the changes you make will be reflected in production.

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