Invalid request! on /phone/metrics/call_logs

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

Link the API endpoint(s) and/orZoom API Event(s) you’re working with to help give context.

I created a Server to Server oAuth app and gave the scope phone:read:list_call_logs:admin to this application.
Now I am able to get the token using account credentials. However when I call the API {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs?from=2024-09-04&to=2024-09-06&page_size=15&page_number=1 I get a 200 OK with Body as Invalid Request surrounded with some special characters… ```�Invalid request!��Ϩ�2``

The full error message or issue you are running into, where applicable.
�Invalid request!��Ϩ�2

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
*1. Get the token url = ‘’ + accountId

Use this token to call {{baseUrl}}/phone/metrics/call_logs?from=2024-09-04&to=2024-09-06&page_size=15&page_number=1

3. Any errors
You will end up getting �Invalid request!��Ϩ�2

Hi @luckyabhishek
Thanks for reaching out to us
Have you tried running this request using postman?