Invalid Retry-After header on create registrant API

Hi, starting at Sep 18, 2021 2:34:03 AM UTC we started seeing responses to the create registrant API (POST<id>/registrants) respond with HTTP status 429 (which is expected, our app handles it) but with an invalid Retry-After header that the Python requests library does not know how to interpret (we are seeing ISO8601 timestamps like 2021-09-21T00:00:00Z from the API, instead of HTML dates or a count of seconds, which per MDN are the expected formats for Retry-After values: Retry-After - HTTP | MDN)

Was there a change that went out around then to modify the format of Retry-After headers, and if so, is it possible to fix it to be in compliance with the expected date formats? This is making our Zoom integration basically unusable.


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Hey @jared_mobilize,

Thanks for reaching out about this. Is it possible to share the full header for a recent request with us at so that we can take a closer look at this?


Hi @will.zoom, just sent some more details over to that email address. Thanks for your response!


Hey @jared_mobilize,

Thanks for sending those details over. Iā€™m working with our Engineering team on this and will follow up with you shortly via email.


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