Invalid Signature when updated to 1.8.0

we have updated the local web SDK sample to latest web sdk 1.8.0 … We are now getting and error as invalid signature

Join meeting timeout
invalid signature

Which version?
earlier 1.7.6 now 1.8.0

App Signature*

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. pc]
  • OS: [e.g. window 10 ]
  • Version:
  • Browser:[ Chrome]

Additional context
before updating the web sdk to 1.8.0 error was a connection time out.
after updating the web sdk to 1.8.0 error was invalid signature

{method: “join”, status: false, result: “Invalid signature.”, errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”, errorCode: 3712}
erorr log

Hey @gangurisatya,

It looks like you’re trying to start a meeting (you’re passing in role 1), but the meeting you’re trying to start isn’t owned by the JWT app owner. In other words, this is your meeting number, but the web SDK credentials you’re passing in the base64 encoded signature actually belong to a different account.

These credentials must belong to the same account the meeting belongs to.

I hope this helps to clarify!


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