Invalid Signature while join a meeting

Invalid Signature

Joining meeting timeout.
Signature is invalid.

  1. {method: “join”, status: false, result: “Invalid signature.”, errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”, errorCode: 3712}

  2. errorCode: 3712

  3. errorMessage: “Signature is invalid.”

  4. method: “join”

  5. result: “Invalid signature.”

  6. status: false

  7. proto: Object

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Signature :

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • PC
  • Windows
  • Version: [e.g. 22]
  • Chrome

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Need reply, could someone help me out here !

Hey @srisaibh,

It appears you are using an SDK App to generate the Web SDK Signature.

Make sure to use JWT App credentials instead.

Let me know if that fixes the issue for you. :slight_smile:


Hi @tommy,

Thanks for pointing that out. It solved my issue. But if we are to use the JWT API KEY for the web SDK signature, what is the point of having an SDK_KEY?


Hi @tommy

We are using the JWT API key and API Secret for the signature, still the Joining meeting timeout is taking place, what may be the issue.

Our Signature is:

Please help us asap

For more info attached the console log:

Hey @srisaibh,

The SDK App Type is for the Native Mobile and Desktop Client SDKs. (iOS, Windows, macOS, Android, Electron, Ionic)


Hey @pscaccal,

Thank you for reaching out. Your signature looks to be correct but we just want to confirm how this is being generated. Are you able to provide a code snippet for the logic used to create the signature?


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