Invalid Signature- with 3.1.6 SDK

@chunsiong.zoom , This is my latest payload in querystring without zal token and I verified signature at and it is saying good to me, here is screenshot, please let me know

“sdkKey”: “8Z_OeWatSw6nfXoWNQbaiA”,
“signature”: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoxLCJtbiI6ODYzODcwMTE3ODUsInNka0tleSI6IjhaX09lV2F0U3c2bmZYb1dOUWJhaUEiLCJ1c2VyTmFtZSI6Impkd1FzcGFiS3FjQ0tFNFJhNmJsNEtjWWNCUko0cy4xIiwiZXhwIjoxNzEwMTQwNTIwLCJpYXQiOjE3MTAxMzM3NDAsInRva2VuRXhwIjoxNzEwMTQwNTIwfQ.8iFMwu87tf0xqxXTctaj6wrYtwrS4P__08h_RlEMTbY”,
“exp”: 20000,
“mn”: “86387011785”,
“leaveUrl”: “/ZoomMeeting/end-meeting.cfm”,
“name”: “Nikhil Saxena”,
“pwd”: “redacted”,
“email”: “”,
“role”: “1”,
“lang”: “en-US”


It works when i try to set role as 0

@nsaxena role 1 works as well

@nsaxena ,

It works fine by the way.

Please ignore my last message. I am still digging into this.

@chunsiong.zoom , Can you please verify this payload and URL and let me know what is missing or not correct -

I verified signature is good but still not working


“sdkKey”: “8Z_OeWatSw6nfXoWNQbaiA”,
“appKey”: “8Z_OeWatSw6nfXoWNQbaiA”,
“signature”: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoxLCJtbiI6ODQwMjY3MjE0MzIsInNka0tleSI6IjhaX09lV2F0U3c2bmZYb1dOUWJhaUEiLCJhcHBLZXkiOiI4Wl9PZVdhdFN3Nm5mWG9XTlFiYWlBIiwidXNlck5hbWUiOiJTMGRkeklOUzZCTWExbDltWjVRUTQ2YVVoVmhDQ2YuMSIsImV4cCI6MTcxMDE1NTAzNCwiaWF0IjoxNzEwMTQ3ODM0LCJ0b2tlbkV4cCI6MTcxMDE1NTAzNH0.hKhZz1JWwplazkVgs4s6Ca8DYYo7kwfTDKoHn9fPXAo”,
“exp”: 20000,
“mn”: “84026721432”,
“leaveUrl”: “/ZoomMeeting/end-meeting.cfm”,
“name”: “Nikhil Saxena”,
“pwd”: “redacted”,
“email”: “”,
“role”: “1”,
“lang”: “en-US”

Error URL and screenshot -

@nsaxena I’m thinking it might be a code issue and not a signature issue.

I can’t verify it right now and the signature might probably expire before I can get to a workstation.

In your screenshot, Could you share the x-zm-tracking from the headers?
It is from the same URI info?meeting……….

@nsaxena updates, this meeting number is not a valid number


@chunsiong.zoom , I am sharing you new detail, also sharing z-trackingid, It is not code issue, It was working perfectly with OLD SDK earlier , please review and let me know

Payload -
“sdkKey”: “8Z_OeWatSw6nfXoWNQbaiA”,
“appKey”: “8Z_OeWatSw6nfXoWNQbaiA”,
“signature”: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyb2xlIjoxLCJtbiI6ODg5ODcxODA5MDcsInNka0tleSI6IjhaX09lV2F0U3c2bmZYb1dOUWJhaUEiLCJhcHBLZXkiOiI4Wl9PZVdhdFN3Nm5mWG9XTlFiYWlBIiwidXNlck5hbWUiOiJucVl2eEhidnFueXZHRjF4ODM4R0VVdmxGY0RpQmguMSIsImV4cCI6MTcxMDE2NDc5NiwiaWF0IjoxNzEwMTU3NTk2LCJ0b2tlbkV4cCI6MTcxMDE2NDc5Nn0.OhBVUJSLF8EBhMyKPwRty06vG81RwJDYqFFWwYwZh-4”,
“exp”: 20000,
“mn”: “88987180907”,
“leaveUrl”: “/ZoomMeeting/end-meeting.cfm”,
“name”: “Nikhil Saxena”,
“pwd”: “redacted”,
“email”: “”,
“role”: “1”,
“zak”: “”,
“lang”: “en-US”

Error URL and screenshot -



Signature looks good at JWT.IO

@nsaxena ,

thanks for the tracking ID.
It appears there is something wrong with your IAT
It is appears to be in the future, hence the first few times when attempting to join throws the invalid signature error.

At time of joining, the IAT in your signature is 5 seconds in the future.

You might want to sync your machine’s time, or manually set IAT to be 5 mins before “current time”

@chunsiong.zoom ,
Thanks for letting me know new finding, I am checking with our IT team for application server time, it will take some time, I will connect you or will update you soon.

Regards, nikhil

@chunsiong.zoom , Thank you so much for your kind support with patience.

I reduced my time 5 minute. And then I was facing issue JsMediaSDK_Instance is not defined , so for resolving this I set refrence .1.6/lib/av/js_media.min.js file.

And I am able to launch and join meeting after making these changes. Here is screenshot

@nsaxena please open a new thread and tag me.

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