Invalid Signature with Sample Web App

Thanks @ashutosh, we will be with you shortly! :slight_smile:


We are getting signature invalid error.

this is mysignature:

Hey @inter1,

Your signature looks correct. How are you generating it? Can you please share your code?


Hey Tommy,
We have resolved our signature issue but now we are facing a problem with video quality
details: We are using VPS hosting for our zoom web SDK Specially and using JWT tokens for integration. We are using zoom web SDK 1.8.1
please help me out on video quality
Thank you

Hey @inter1,

Happy to hear you resolved the signature issue! :slight_smile:

For your audio issue, please create a new topic so we can gather additional details and track the issue easier. :slight_smile:


I am seeing an invalid signature error.
Here is my signature :

Here is the code I am using to generate signature:
const timestamp = new Date().getTime() - 30000
const msg = Buffer.from(API_KEY + meetingNumber + timestamp + role).toString(‘base64’)
const hash = crypto.createHmac(‘sha256’, API_SECRET).update(msg).digest(‘base64’)
const signature = Buffer.from(${API_KEY}.${meetingNumber}.${timestamp}.${role}.${hash}).toString(‘base64’)

1 Like

Hi. I am seeing an invalid signature error.
My signature is:

Role is: 0
MeetingId is:
Code to generate signature:
var signature = ZoomMtg.generateSignature({
apiKey: “”,
apiSecret: “my_api_secret_string”,
role: meetingConfig.role,
success: function (res) {
meetingConfig.signature = res.result;
meetingConfig.apiKey = “”;
var joinUrl = “/meeting.html?” + testTool.serialize(meetingConfig);
console.log(joinUrl);, “_blank”);

Can you help me please?

Hi @inter1
I see that you had the same issue with generation of signature.
As I understand you have solved it. Could you please prompt me how to fix it?

Hi @volodymirchudovskiy

We have send our API key and secret dynamically

Thank you

Thank you, will try today.
Have a good day.

Hey @inter1, @volodymirchudovskiy,

Please let us know if you are still having issues. :slight_smile:


Hey @chandanbhandari24, @volodymirchudovskiy,

You are using an SDK App type to generate your signature. Please use your JWT App key and secret instead. :slight_smile:


Hi @tommy
I also faced Invalid Signature error in sample-app-web and find this page.
Why I need to use JWT App key instead of SDK App key?
What is the difference and how to choose JWT/SDK for my app?

Hey @yoshitsugu,

To use the Web SDK, you must use a JWT App. That is how the Web SDK is designed.

Are you still seeing issues after using a JWT App?



Error: Signature is invalid

Hey @ARTT,

Please create a new topic here: #client-web-sdk and fill out the post template so we have more information about the issue. :slight_smile:


I am getting an “signature invalid” error. Error code 3712, for signature:

using web-client-sdk CDN
I am using the react: sample-app-web/CDN

issue solved. thanks.

Happy to hear you sorted out the issue @d_a_d ! :slight_smile:


Hi everyone

I’m facing an invalid signature error. Please help me out!!