"Invalid Token!" error message when trying to refresh oauth token

Not trying to spam the forums, but since no one’s pointed this out in the threads above: there is an internal limit within Zoom: it does not support accounts authenticated on more than 1 device at a time. If you authenticate on another machine with the same account, the previous tokens invalidate. This has been discussed here:

If you connect your Zoom account to two or more 3rd party apps, you’ll experience the same issue, i.e., your token will invalidate after around 24 hours. There’s absolutely no way around this at the moment. When this happens, your refresh token is invalidated too and you cannot perform a refresh until you re-authenticate.

The user will see a prompt to authorize your app after around 24 hours since they last logged into some other app. This is a serious flaw in Zoom’s authentication mechanism. I’ve seen dozens of reports since last year, differently worded but with the same symptoms.

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