Inviting External Contacts Via API

Hi there,

Currently we are trying to recreate the action of inviting a contact to a meeting, so there device gets the call instead of having to open a link.

We currently have got it to work using an api call pointing towards /{{meeting_id}}/events

The current body is:

  "method": "participant.invite",
  "params": {
    "contacts": [
        "email": "*email*"

This is great, however we also need to be able to do external contacts in the same manner, and this endpoint will not allow it.

Are there any other methods that can allow us to do the same invite function via api for an external contact?

Hi @matthew7
Thanks for reaching out to us!
Allow me to do some testing on my end and will get back to you with an update

Thanks @elisa.zoom

If you could get back to us, that would be great.

Cheers, Matthew

Hi @matthew7
Thanks for your patience here.
I did some testing on my end and could not find a way to invite external contacts via API.
The only way I could think you could do this is by setting up registration to the meeting so the external contact will receive an email with the join_url upon meeting registration

Hope this helps,

Hi @elisa.zoom

I appreciate you getting back to us.

I would just like to ask why this functionality doesn’t exist, considering it can be done manually in the app.

Considering this, do you know of any way to hide contacts when the users are under the same account? Currently I’ve managed to hide the contacts tab in the app, but when in a meeting, you can still invite them.

Any pointers would be wonderful.


Hi @matthew7
While many of the features you see in the client are available via the API, there are instances where the behavior cannot be fully replicated.
Can you elaborate more on this question: “Considering this, do you know of any way to hide contacts when the users are under the same account? Currently I’ve managed to hide the contacts tab in the app, but when in a meeting, you can still invite them.”, I do not understand it

Hi @elisa.zoom

I’ve managed to get things sorted now in regards to the contacts, so no worries.

Thank you for your help.

Much appreciated,

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Good to hear @matthew7
Thanks for the update and feel free to reach out back to us in the future

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