Ionic sdk fails to launch after app close on Android

I’m using @ionic-native/zoom in my app. First time when I launch it works fine. Second time the app freezes. It won’t work unless I force close the app. My code in app.component.js is as below:

this.zoomService.initialize(this.SDK_KEY, this.SDK_SECRET)
              .then((success) => {
              .catch((error) => {

Little investigation shows me that the initialize method blocks the main thread and never returns. Is there anyway to re-initialize app on every restart?

Which version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Use the above code in app.component.js
  2. build android app using ionic cordova build android --prod --release
  3. upload to android device
  4. launch app. the meeting will start.
  5. leave meeting and click back to close the app. you can put this code to do this
 this.platform.backButton.subscribe(() => {
  1. reopen the app. You will see that app just freezes.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Xiomi Note 4
  • OS: Android
  • Version 7.0

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Hi padmaraj.m,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. I will forward this to the engineering team for investigation and get back to you shortly.


I am also getting the same issue. when we open the app first time everything works fine. if we exit the app then reopen it app just freeze.
We have to force close it then it opens again

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Thanks for the post. Could you provide the SDK log so that we could further investigate this issue? The log could be find in: /Android/data/(or your app's name)/logs/


I am too facing the exact same issue. Please fix this on priority

Hi abhi0476,

Thanks for the reply. The Ionic SDK is a community project so we have limited bandwidth on this. I will forward this to the engineering team to prioritize this.


Hi Carson_chen

Is there any update on this issue?

waiting for your revert.


Hi bhamra,

Thanks for the reply. This issue has been fixed in the latest release:
