iOS fullscreen bug

When the zoom meeting is in fullscreen mode and my device is in portrait and i switch my device to landscape. The fullscreen text in the top says Fullscreen instead of the normal Exit Fullscreen. This is only for portrait to landscape not vice-versa.

Hey @cquibada,

Are you using the Web SDK or the Zoom iOS App?

If using the Zoom app, please share this with


I’m using the web sdk on a mobile browser

Hi @cquibada,

Can you provide a screenshot so that we can further investigate the issue?


Fullscreen indicator changes from Exit fullscreen to fullscreen when the orientation is changed from portait to landscape. The same happens for the fullscreen indicator for when a panelist is sharing their screen

SDK version 1.7.4 also happens in Android

Thanks @cquibada,

Our engineers are looking into this. (CS-1815)
