IOS how can i do CustomizeMeetingUI in Swift

Thank you, I was able to set the logic but unfortunately it doesnt work well.
While not custom ui works well, enabling custom ui creating several critical issues as:
onSinkMeetingUserJoin is being called but

if let meetingService =  MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService(){
connectedUsers = meetingService.getInMeetingUserList() ?? []

is returning nil on getInMeetingUserList() although I know there are users in room from onSinkMeetingUserJoin.

guard let meetingService = MobileRTC.shared().getMeetingService() else { return false }
let isHost = meetingService.isHostUser(userID)

Always returns false (isHost).

let showAttendeeVideoSuccessful = remoteUserVideoView.showAttendeeVideo(withUserID: userID)
		if showAttendeeVideoSuccessful {
			print("Started showing remote user video.")
		} else {
			print("Failed to show remote user video.")

Always prints “Failed to show remote user video.” and calling remoteUserVideoView.getUserID() afterwards always shows 0

I joineed room with meetingNumber, password and displayName.
Disabling meetingSettings.enableCustomMeeting to false magically shows new viewcontroller with everyhting functioning perfectly.

Its not webinar, but I guess part of the issues related to: Unable to Get In-Meeting User List as a Webinar Attendee