IP Address Blocked

We have a nodejs-based server in Azure handling our app data which calls the Zoom API for meeting management. Recently we’ve been getting blacklisted by Cloudflare on some requests to GET /users/ and POST /meetings/XX/registrants?occurenceids=YYY
payload returned from Zoom in GET /users html below with a 403. For the POSTs I see 403 but I don´t think its returning a payload (probably because itś POST)
Would you be able to investigate and whitelist us on that IP ( asap, thanks guys. Let me know if any request changes are needed our end

Please whitelist our IP

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Please can someone look into this issue - it is preventing any use of Zoom

Hi @owen.meyer & @rachel.alker , looks like this issue has been brought up to our service engineering team. Thanks for posting here, there may have been some confusion as to where the best place to resolve this was. The support ticket you have open will be the best place to continue looking into this.

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