Is it possible to reduce the video render time?

Video SDK Type and Version
For Web (React): “@zoom1234/videosdk”: “^1.5.5”,
For React Native: “@zoom1234/react-native-videosdk”: “^1.5.3”,


There are two applications. The first on React Native, and the other one on the React. Between them is making video connection with ZoomVideoSDK. Approximately, the video connection time, before users will be able see each other, is 10-15 seconds. It is possible to reduce connection time, for example to 5 seconds, and how can I do it?

The code:
React Native

const sessionJoinListener = zoom.addListener(EventType.onSessionJoin, async (session: any) => {
      try {
        const mySelf: ZoomVideoSdkUser = new ZoomVideoSdkUser(session.mySelf)
        const remoteUsers: ZoomVideoSdkUser[] = await zoom.session.getRemoteUsers()

        await zoom.videoHelper.startVideo() 
        await zoom.audioHelper.startAudio() 
      } catch (error) {
        console.log('Error  ', error)


     const onVideoStateChange = async (payload) => {
            try {
                    if (payload.action === 'Start') {
                    await stream.renderVideo(
                } else if (payload.action === 'Stop') {
                    await stream.stopRenderVideo(
            } catch (error) {
                console.log('Error  ', error)

 client.on('peer-video-state-change', onVideoStateChange)

How To Reproduce

  1. User from React Native does zoom session
  2. User from React immediately joins the session
  3. The video appears when the event EventType.onSessionJoin is triggered in the React Native. It is where the video starts with «await zoom.videoHelper.startVideo()»
  4. React user can see the video when ‘peer-video-state-change’ is triggered
  5. In both users, the time is 10-15 seconds before the video is established


  • Device: MacBook Pro
  • OS: macOS Monterey 12.0.1 (21A559)
  • Browser: Chrome 108.0.5359.124
  • SharedArrayBuffer is enabled

React Native

  • Device: iPhone 7Plus
  • OS: iOS 15.7.1
  • In other iPhones the same situation

Thanks for posting - I will ask if anyone else has some ideas on how to make the speeds more reasonable. What geographical region are you in as well, in case that may have something to do with it?

We are testing it in Ukraine. We are gonna use it in United Arab Emirates as well.

Are you able to set your data center region -

I’m curious if that might have an affect on the load times.

My guess we are locked to USA. Or it’s not the case?

I’m really confused what billing plan we need to set my data region. I don’t really see billing plans for developers. Only for users.
So if we upgrade our plan and disable USA video render speed can improve?

That would be my best guess for your situation and the first place I’d look.