Is there a fix for this error "Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700)"

I’m using Zoom Ouath API to get logs from for a third party app. The information entered is all correct but I’m getting the following error Oops! We were unable to complete your request. Please try again. (4,700)

Looking to get a support answer.

Hi @app_admin_svc , what 3rd party app? Is it a supported Zoom integration? See the list here: Getting started with integrations

I created an O-auth app to send audit logs to another system.

@app_admin_svc could you please record in detail describing the set up and how to reproduce the error in detail?

Please also include:

  • client id
  • zm-tracking-id from error response headers
  • developer email

Send in the private message from me. You’ll see the notifiction when you click on your profile image in the top right corner.

Is there a solution?

Hi @app_admin_svc , I responded to you in the private message.