Is there a way to opt out all the dialogs that zooms SDK pops up?

Im running the ZOOM SDK in a TV_BOX that doesn’t have any remote controller/mouse/keyboard, everything is controlled using another device. In some cases (like invalid meeting id, another meeting is running, ask to start attendee video, etc.) ZOOM ANDROID SDK shows a dialog that waits user input and thats a problem to me. Is there a way to disable it and get a listener invocation instead? like:


Using this approach I can still propagate the information back to user without demanding him to interact directly with the device thats running ZOOM SDK.

Which Android Client SDK version?

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Custom Device (TV BOX)
  • OS: Android 10

Hi @casmeiron, thanks for using our SDK.

While some of these dialogs are associated with listener callbacks, not all of them will provide the ability for you to dismiss the default UI. For that reason, we strongly recommend implementing a custom meeting UI to better support non-traditional Android devices.


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