Is there an HTML sample for the SDK that uses either local or CDN resources?

Sure thing.

First thing I did was get the sample app in the web video sdk working (following all of the steps to npm install and copy over the @zoomus folder, etc.). Once I had that working, I installed Browserify globally.

Then I created a simple file that would bring in the instantsdk source. For an example, let’s call it main.js. Place this in the root of the Sample folder. This file just had one line in it:

global.ZoomInstant = require("@zoomus/instantsdk");

Then run browserify on it:

browserify main.js -o zoomus-instantsdk.js

That packages it up into the single zoomus-instantsdk.js file that when imported will give you a global object ZoomInstant to access the SDK.

In addition, you have to take the public/lib folder and host it somewhere accessible (until the CDN is available). When you do your init, you have to pass this location. For example:

zoomClient = ZoomInstant.createClient();
await zoomClient.init("en-US", `${window.location.origin}/path/to/lib`);

I’m hoping that this is close enough to what will be released when Zoom provides their own bundle version that I’ll be able to swap in the official version with only minor changes.

Hope this helps!