Is there any method in native sdk to play a recorded meeting?

I want play my recorded meeting in my android app integrated with zoom sdk,so can you help me by guiding the steps to achieve it or is there any method for that?


Hi @sadhik,

Thanks for using Zoom SDK. Do you mean playing a cloud recording? No, we do not have an interface to play the recording.


Thanks for your reply and i have one more issue with android zoom sdk ,
i want to join a webinar meeting and when join after pasing meeting id,password,display name
it shows a alert box to enter email and password,then i hide the alert by adding the following in my joinmeeting options

opts.no_webinar_register_dialog = true;

And passed the value for email and username with,
public void onJoinWebinarNeedUserNameAndEmail(InMeetingEventHandler inMeetingEventHandler) {

   inMeetingEventHandler.setRegisterWebinarInfo("sadhik", "", false);

but when i click join it stucks on a black screen with a loading indicator of preparing meting

So can you help me with that?


Hi @sadhik,

Thanks for the reply. Are you using Zoom default UI or Custom UI?
