Issue - breakout Rooms in Web SDK

I am using Web SDK and starting meeting as host. I want to have breakout rooms in my meeting. Is there any way to get breakout rooms programmatically. I am setting isSupportBreakout to true in init method of ZoomMtg.

isSupportBreakout: true,


But it’s not working. It’s working when I log in to, navigating to settings page and turning on the breakout rooms.

Is there any way to do it programmatically in web sdk ??

Hey @prashanthcharla1234,

Thank you for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum. In order to use breakout rooms with the Web SDK, you’ll want to make sure that you have the Breakout Rooms feature enabled on your account, as you’ve shown, and that you are also setting isSupportBreakout to true.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


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