Issue validating notification API for webhook

Hello everyone, i’m trying to create an api notification endpoint to associate it to a webhook in my oauth app. i’ve added all the requiremensts as per the documentation but there is no way i can get the endpoint validaed. Using webhooks

i followed all the instructions and i even tried what is mentioned in this post but it didn’t work for me. Issues with (CRC) for webhook API validation

I am using the example payload to test my endpoint using postman and everything works fine. i also validated the output using online tools and i was able to confirm that the output is correct. is there any place where i can see what is the specific error why my endpoint is not being validated so i can troubleshoot?
Any help would be highly appreciated.

Hi there, i’m just following up in case that anyone can help me with this issue. i am trying to develop this urgent integration with the zoom phone and i’m stuck because of the validation on the marketplace page. i’ve tried to contact the dev team in multiple ways since last week with no success.

I was able to solve the problem by myself. I’d recommend to add an error message with details about why the validation is failing. because it’s actually very very difficult to troubleshoot this process without any guidance on why the process fails. This post can be closed.

Hi @Franco_lannolo , could you please share what the root cause of your issue was?

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