java.lang.RuntimeException: cannot find a ZPTipLayer width id: when running our build with dexguard

@jon.zoom @Fred_Luo Is there any way we can always show the menu icons on the zoom meeting? Thanks!

Hi @richard.shea,

To be clear, are you asking for the ability to programmatically display the parts of the meeting UI (such as the bottom toolbar) which will automatically hide after the user has not interacted with the meeting for a few seconds?



Yes, You’re right! This is my question.

Hi @richard.shea, thanks for confirming.

This is not available through the SDK at the moment. The only way to achieve this behavior would be through a custom UI.


Hi @jon.zoom,

Thank you for your response. Now I just set hidden as false in the hideOrShowToolbar(boolean hidden) to be able to show the toolbar in the meeting.

Is there any way that I can keep the user permission for audio/video enable in zoom when our app is logout and clean the user data by calling ((ActivityManager) getSystemService(ACTIVITY_SERVICE)).clearApplicationUserData()?


Hi @richard.shea,

Permissions for your app are managed at the Android OS level, so this cannot be controlled by the SDK. I would recommend referring to the official Android documentation for this, but anecdotally I have never seen an app achieve the behavior you are describing.

Additionally, I would like to kindly request that for additional questions unrelated to this thread if you could please consider opening new threads. This makes it easier for other SDK customers to search for answers to similar questions they may run into while integrating the SDK. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @jon.zoom,

Thanks for your quick answer. Sure! I will create another thread for the new question.


Great, thank you for understanding!