Joining Meeting Timeout And Cannot Join

We cannot join meeting in app developed by Angular 11.2.0 and then deployed in Azure Iaas Server. On local server, everything is working well, but it isn’t working when it’s deployed. After this debug message below, there’s no more message on console.
{method: “init”, status: true, errorCode: 0, errorMessage: null, result: null}

Meeting is being held by Zoom desktop client.

After trying to join a meeting for about 1 min, error dialog titled “Joining meeting timeout” says “Your connection has timed out and you cannot join the meeting. Verify your network connectivity and try again”.
There’s no error in Network panel on Chrome devTools. On Console panel, there’re some errors as below, but I see them while it’s working well on local server.

polyfills.915dad8b132da0e60260.js:1 GET http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_audio.encode.wasm 404 (Not Found)
polyfills.915dad8b132da0e60260.js:1 GET http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_video.decode.wasm 404 (Not Found)
5.d15dad6add838f7840b4.js:1 GET http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/webim.min.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
5.d15dad6add838f7840b4.js:1 GET http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_js_media.min.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
polyfills.915dad8b132da0e60260.js:1 GET http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/lang/jp-JP.json 404 (Not Found)

Which Web Client SDK version?

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: PC
  • OS: Win10
  • Browser: Edge
  • Browser Version 90.0.818.42

Hey @koezukar,

Thank you for posting in the Developer Support Forum. Please see this post here:

Let me know if that helps! :slight_smile:



Thanks for reply.

I find that there’s no error like these when running on the local server:

http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_audio.encode.wasm 404 (Not Found)
http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_video.decode.wasm 404 (Not Found)
http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/webim.min.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/av/6331_js_media.min.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)
http://{our_vm_IpAddress}/node_modules/@zoomus/websdk/dist/lib/lang/jp-JP.json 404 (Not Found)

It seems these error causes this problem in our app when deployed on external server.
Anyone has got idea to solve this?

I managed to fix this problem by simply setting the following code before preloading .wasm files in my component.

ZoomMtg.setZoomJSLib(‘’, ‘/av’);

Thanks anyway.

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Glad you were able to resolve this, @koezukar :slight_smile:

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