Joining meeting timeout. Fail to join the meeting. Invalid sdkkey. error code 1

I am trying to integrate meeting sdk for the web. But continuously facing the below error.
I am using a sample App for JavaScript.

“method”: “join”,
“status”: false,
“result”: “Invalid sdkkey.”,
“errorMessage”: “Fail to join the meeting.”,
“errorCode”: 1

Here is the configuration params

var authEndpoint = ‘
var sdkKey = ‘SDK Key’
var meetingNumber = ‘73528632439’
var passWord = ‘’
var role = 0
var userName = ‘jamil ahmad’
var userEmail = ‘’
var registrantToken = ‘’
var zakToken = ‘’
var leaveUrl = ‘

I generated a JWT token from the zoom developer portal for one week. Picked the sdk key and jwt token from below image(taken from account credentials page)

Please help to sort it out.

you cannot use a fixed JWT Token for meeting SDK - in every signature is the meeting number and the role included

the screenshot of your app looks strange, in my case the Meeting SDK app looks like this

you need the Client ID and the Client Secret to generate the signature (JWT)

here are more infos

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