JS exception when calling .init() with IP address

This sequence of code causes an exception:

  this.client = ZoomVideo.createClient();

 const initRes = await this.client.init(

However the same call made to/using localhost, on the computer assigned to IP, is working just fine.

And the files in the SDK are reachable when that IP url is entered in a browser address line. (e.g. http:// @zoomus/instantsdk/dist/lib/webim.min.js - minus spaces, which I just put in to prevent this editor from making the URL clickable - returns the minified JS file specified)

What may be the issue here?

This is the console error that we’re getting:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'getDisplayMedia' of undefined
at Function.checkSystemRequirements (index.umd.js:1)
at t.value (index.umd.js:1)
at VideoService.<anonymous> (video.service.ts:82)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at tslib.es6.js:73
at new ZoneAwarePromise (zone-evergreen.js:960)
at __awaiter (tslib.es6.js:69)
at VideoService.launchVideo (video.service.ts:70)
at VideoChatComponent.<anonymous> (video-chat.component.ts:24)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)

Web Video SDK version 1.0.3
Running in Angular 11.0.2, Testing in latest Google Chrome

Hey @brianWD

Thanks for sharing your questions.

According to the specification of MediaDevices, it only can be accessible in a secure context. So you can use http://localhost or https:// to serve the assets.


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