Launch Zoom Client from web

We would like to user to launch native zoom client installed on their system but zoom client url schemes seems deprecated and has no support to open client directly from our web app.

We are currently using websdk for our users to use zoom meetings from our platform, but users are more familiar with native zoom client so we need to support that too. Is there any way to launch native zoom client from the web app and pass context like password, meeting id, host token etc?

Which version?

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We tried Zoom URL Schemes but it seems deprecated and completely removed.

Hey @ankur.sharma,

Thanks for using the dev forum!

This feature is no longer supported.


We would be happy if there are any solution like redirection to the official site where we can pass the host token, password, name, etc?

Hey @ankur.sharma,

I do not know if this is possible besides using an invite link generated from a Zoom app or Zoom SDK.
