Open app from website and turn back after metting

As long as Zoom Client URL Schemes is deprecated (/docs/guides/guides/client-url-schemes) I can’t find a way to open zoom client from my website. Also I wonder is it possible to pass something like “leaveUrl” to turn user back after meeting. So how can I achieve those?

Thank you

I can’t give you input on whether or not the SDK is able to open the desktop zoom client. But if you are planning/willing to use Zoom’s API as well, you could make an HTTP call to create a meeting, the response body will contain links to start and join a meeting you can share with your users - both links will redirect you to open the zoom client.


Hey @mikhail.emchenko ,

Like @timfuhrmann mentioned, you can use the join_url and start_url returned from the Create and Get Meeting endpoints to open the Zoom app and join or start the meeting respectively.


@tommy @timfuhrmann Thanks for your answers! And will it work the same way for the mobile zoom client?

Hey @mikhail.emchenko ,

Yes, it will work the same for the Mobile Zoom Clients. :slight_smile:


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