Link in SDK is broken

Description mentioned in the SDK 1.9.9 (latest) is not working. Please fix

You can find the above link in
@github - zoom/websdk/blob/master/dist/zoom-meeting-1.9.9.min.js
by doing a plain text search.

Page not found

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. This was reported by our Zoom rep.
    The help/info link goes to a 404 page, but it might be on Zoom’s side:

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: Windows 10
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser Version: Latest

Hey @PMTech ,

Thanks for letting us know! :slight_smile:

Was this link present anywhere else so that we can fix it? Can you share a screenshot of the help/info link you are referring to?


This is what he said

“Trying to screenshare, he got messages about recording his screen and wasn’t able to share his screen. The help/info link goes to a 404 page, but it might be on Zoom’s side: When I tried sharing my screen I couldn’t see what I was sharing, I could only see our two videos and only had the choice to share my entire desktop.”

Hey @PMTech,

Thanks for clarifying! Are you able to share a screenshot of the message they’re seeing and where this link is? I wasn’t able to see it on my end and I want to make sure that I communicate the issue to our team so that it can be fixed.


Hey PMTech,

Thank you for providing that, I’ve forwarded this to our engineering team and will get back to you when I know more.



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