Linux Zoom meeting sdk not generating authentication return callback

include <unistd.h>

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include "auth_service_interface.h"

#include "meeting_service_interface.h"

#include "zoom_sdk.h"

#include "zoom_sdk_def.h"

#include <X11/Xlib.h>

#include <X11/Xatom.h>


class MeetingServiceEventListener : public IMeetingServiceEvent {};

class Main : public IAuthServiceEvent {


    IAuthService *_authService;

    IMeetingService *_meetingService;

    uint64_t _meetingNumber;

    std::string _sessionName;

    std::string _apiKey;

    std::string _apiSecret;


    Main() {

        uint64_t meetingNumber = 4452252955; // replace with real

        std::string sessionName = std::to_string(meetingNumber);

        std::string apiKey = "...";

        std::string apiSecret = "...";

        _meetingNumber = meetingNumber;

        _sessionName = sessionName;

        _apiKey = apiKey;

        _apiSecret = apiSecret;

        InitParam initParam;

        initParam.strWebDomain = "";

        initParam.strSupportUrl = "";

        initParam.emLanguageID = LANGUAGE_English;

        initParam.enableLogByDefault = true;

        initParam.enableGenerateDump = true;

        SDKError err = InitSDK(initParam);

        if (err != SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to init SDK." << err << std::endl;


        SDKError authServiceInitReturnVal = CreateAuthService(&_authService);

        if (authServiceInitReturnVal != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to init Auth Service." << err << std::endl;


        SDKError meetingServiceInitReturnVal =


        if (meetingServiceInitReturnVal != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to init meeting service. "

                      << meetingServiceInitReturnVal << std::endl;



    void onAuthenticationReturn(ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::AuthResult ret) {

        std::cout << "Authentication result: " << _authService->GetAuthResult()

                  << std::endl;

        if (ret == AuthResult::AUTHRET_JWTTOKENWRONG) {

            std::cout << "JWT token is wrong." << std::endl;

            // SDK Auth call failed because the JWT token is invalid.

        } else if (ret == AuthResult::AUTHRET_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Auth return success." << std::endl;


        } else {

            std::cout << "Something else went wrong: " << ret << std::endl;




    void onLoginReturnWithReason(LOGINSTATUS ret, IAccountInfo *pAccountInfo,

                                 LoginFailReason reason) {

        std::cout << "Login return with reason." << reason << std::endl;


    void onLogout() { std::cout << "Logout" << std::endl; }

    void onZoomIdentityExpired() {

        std::cout << "Zoom identity expired" << std::endl;


    void onZoomAuthIdentityExpired() {

        std::cout << "Zoom auth identity expired" << std::endl;


    void Run() {

        int r = run();

        if (r != 0) {




    int run() {

        AuthContext authContext;

        std::string token = "xxxxxx";

        authContext.jwt_token = token.c_str();

        std::cout << "Using token: " << authContext.jwt_token << std::endl;

        // Create IAuthService object to perform Auth actions

        SDKError authCallReturnValue(SDKERR_UNAUTHENTICATION);

        SDKError errSetEvent = _authService->SetEvent(this);

        if (errSetEvent != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to set authListener. " << errSetEvent

                      << std::endl;

            return 1;


        authCallReturnValue = _authService->SDKAuth(authContext);

        if (authCallReturnValue != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to auth SDK. " << authCallReturnValue

                      << std::endl;

            return 1;


        return 0;


    int join() {

        ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::JoinParam joinParam;

        joinParam.userType = ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::SDK_UT_WITHOUT_LOGIN;

        ZOOM_SDK_NAMESPACE::JoinParam4WithoutLogin &withoutloginParam =


        withoutloginParam.meetingNumber = _meetingNumber;

        withoutloginParam.vanityID = NULL;

        withoutloginParam.userName = "testing";

        withoutloginParam.psw = "";

        withoutloginParam.customer_key = NULL;

        withoutloginParam.webinarToken = NULL;

        withoutloginParam.isVideoOff = true;

        withoutloginParam.isAudioOff = false;

        SDKError joinErr = _meetingService->Join(joinParam);

        if (joinErr != SDKError::SDKERR_SUCCESS) {

            std::cout << "Failed to join meeting. " << joinErr << std::endl;

            return 1;


        return 0;



static Main *mainInstance = NULL;

void Run() { mainInstance->Run(); }

int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    mainInstance = new Main();


    Display *display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);

    if (display == NULL) {

        return 1;


    Window rootWindow = DefaultRootWindow(display);

    XEvent event;

    Atom wmDeleteMessage = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);

    while (true) {

      XNextEvent(display, &event);

      switch (event.type)


            case Expose:



            case ClientMessage:

                if ([0] == wmDeleteMessage)







    return 0;

there is my sample code,how can get the auth callback?

there is my sample code,how can get the auth callback?


Do take a look at the sample code here

i try it, get this errror

Auth failed: 5

@15107478682 did you put in the values in config.txt?

yes ,i do it, token and meeting_number and meeting_password

os is ubuntu22, 6.2.0-34-generic

i put record_toking same as token,the program in print

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1032:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1032:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1032:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave

Auth failed: 5

@15107478682 I’ve just tried the code from scratch and it works.

  1. Pull the code from github.

  2. Add h folder to demo/include

  3. Add qt_lib folder to demo/lib/zoom_meeting_sdk

  4. Add these files to demo/lib/zoom_meeting_sdk

  5. Generate a JWT token, and put it in config.txt

  6. Add my own Meeting ID and password to config.txt

  7. Do cmake -B build in /demo/ folder

  8. Do make in /demo/build folder

  9. Run /demo/bin/meetingSDKDemo

There might be additional steps needed if you are getting the ASLA error

apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-util

# enable dbus
mkdir -p /var/run/dbus
dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
dbus-daemon --config-file=/usr/share/dbus-1/system.conf --print-address

# add root
adduser root pulse-access
adduser root audio

# Cleanup to be "stateless" on startup, otherwise pulseaudio daemon can't start

rm -rf /var/run/pulse /var/lib/pulse /root/.config/pulse
cp /etc/pulse/* ~/.config/pulse/

pulseaudio -D --exit-idle-time=-1

# Create a virtual speaker output

pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=SpeakerOutput
pactl set-default-sink SpeakerOutput
pactl set-default-source SpeakerOutput.monitor

#make config file
mkdir ~/.config
echo -e "[General]\" > ~/.config/zoomus.conf

i try it ,and there is no ASLA error,but auth callback is still 5, the 5 is mean?
Auth failed: 5

Can any logs indicate what happened here? AUTHRET_UNKNOWN

the sdk version zoom-meeting-sdk-linux_x86_64-

I’ll PM you for your JWT token

Update: issue resolved, restarting virtualbox resolved the error.