List meeting API query only returning current date

Query date only returning today’s date only. I was trying to get 6 month data
Starting from ‘2019-12-01’ to ‘2020-04-10’.
I did pass the date format at query section

No error, I was trying to get Meets from the last 6 months.

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?

Which Endpoint/s?

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Send Get request for Meetings

Screenshots (If applicable)
“from”: “2020-04-10”,

Additional context
I was trying to get data from the last 6 month calls, its only returning the current date only

Hello @abeyene!

Ah, you’re actually referring to the Dashboard Metrics List Meetings API but that was no fault of yours, since it is labeled “List Meetings” in the docs. I’ll reach out to our team to improve the naming so it doesn’t conflict with List Meetings API.

To answer your question, did you include the type: "past" in your query params per the Request Parameters accordian within the Dashboard Metrics List Meetings API docs?

Also, if you read the details on the from query parameter, you will learn you cannot just set the from date to 6 months ago, because this API only allows requesting one month of data per request. So you will need to also set the to query parameter, and you will have to make six (6) requests for each of the six months (making sure to offset the from and to date query parameters accordingly for each subsequent request.

I think that should get you what you are seeking.

Hello @bdeanindy,

Thanks for your respond, i overlooked the type :past.

Even after I made type: past, and set the from and to date as below,

from '2019-12-01
to '‘2019-12-30’
I am still getting the last two days only.

Please see the image

I just tested, and I was able to retrieve these using that exact same formula.

What is the total_records property set to in the response body please?

I dont have value for it. What is yours?

What was the from date for you?

Please see the image, from date, I passed “2019-12-01” but it starting form “2020-04-10”

Please advice

@bdeanindy Thanks for you help. I got it now

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Wonderful, glad you’re moving forward.

I have the same issue, what is the solution?

Hi @tamtiusha.kirtadze - This API needs to be queried in a period of 30 days.

For example: ?from=2020-12-01&to=2020-12-30