List meeting polls is empty

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

I’m calling the endpoint to list meeting polls (passing the integer meeting id) after launch a poll and close the meeting, but I’m receiving a empty polls in this meeting

It’s not an error, but It’s unexpected returned. The return is empty like below

    "total_records": 0,
    "polls": []

I’m using a Account Level Server-To-Server OAuth app with scopes:

  • meeting:read:admin
  • webinar:read:admin
  • dashboard_meetings:read:admin

How To Reproduce
*1. Create a poll
*2. Schedule a meeting
*3. Start the meeting
*4. Launch the poll
*5. Close the meeting
*6. Call the API endpoint to list the polls in the meeting
*7. Receive the empty list of polls in the meeting