Listen to the event after ZoomMtg.mute is called or user is muted or unmuted?

Is there a way to do that? I couldn’t find any doc around it.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
success: function (res) {
console.log(“success getCurrentUser”, res.result.currentUser);
const currentUser = res.result.currentUser;
userId: currentUser.userId,
mute: false,

Hey @yanflex ,

Currently we do not have a mute event listener for the Web Meeting SDK, but we will in a future version. :slight_smile:


I actually created another button to mute/unmute the meeting session. It works fine and when the user is muted or unmuted through this button, the SDK’s button is also mute or unmuted. However, if I click on the SDK’s mute button, the status of my created button is not changed. Looks like the SDK’s button listens to the user’s mute status in some way. How does it do it?


Hey @yanflex ,

That event listener is not exposed. I suggest using the SDKs mute/unmute button instead of your own custom one.


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