Unmute participant

When I test on localhost to unmute people through code, it works for me, but when I do it in production environment it doesn’t unmute people. The page has https protocol, and it has been tested in different browsers.

I don’t see any errors in the console

Which Client Web SDK version?
Zoom version 1.9

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Code js
success (response) {
ZoomMtg.mute({userId: res[i].user_zoom_id, mute: false});
I save the .user_zoom_id in a database, calling the people to unmute.

Actually match the user’s id with the saved id

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Browser: Chrome, Opera

Hey @contacto2 ,

Has the user you are trying to unmute accepted the browser permissions for the mic?


How did you detect that you accept it? , why does not the confirmation window appear

Hey @contacto2 ,

The browser will prompt the user. Example:

Can you provide some screenshots or a video of the issue so we can investigate this further?


the sdk is via cdn

Hey @contacto2,

Thank you for providing thost screenshots. Looking at the UI of the Web SDK, it looks like the CSS for the Web SDK isn’t being imported properly. Are you using a local NPM package, or the CDN method to import dependencies?

Are you able to share some code showing how you import the Zoom CSS and JS resources into your project as well as how you’re calling unmute?

You may want to use our Sample Web App as a reference to identify any issues as well.


in fact that’s where I got the dependencies

Hey @contacto2 ,

Your Web SDK CSS links look correct. Are you over ridding the Web SDK styles at all?

Are you able to provide a sample github repo with this issue so we can take a look and reproduce it on our end?


The styles have not been modified, html elements have been placed on top, this could affect?
I can’t share the code :c

However I can make a demonstration and an explanation but it would be something concrete, I don’t think it can be like that …

Hey @contacto2,

That’s correct, it’s possible that customizations on the page are causing the issues we’re seeing here. You can try rolling back your changes one-by-one to see if you can identify any that are causing issues.

First, I would try testing with our Sample Web App and using the code there as a reference to build our your app.

I also noticed that in the code you provided, it looks like the next tag after the <link\> and <meta\> is a section tag.


This implies that the the meta and link tags are in the <body> of the HTML document when they should be in the <head>. If that’s accurate, try moving those tags to the head section of the the HTML.

Let me know if that helps :slightly_smiling_face:


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