Log in from command line

Hello. I would like to embed a link on the back end of our website for our employees to be able to click a button and start a Zoom meeting. However, I would like the link to log them into Zoom with a specific username / password. Is there a way to trigger this?

I imagine it would be something like this: https://zoom.us/j/MEETINGID/username/password

Is there anyway to pass that information? If so, can you please provide the code or direct me to where I can find this functionality in the API?

Thank you!

Hey @cgeo13,

Using the Zoom Web Client, you can set a default name and password to join the meeting. This isn’t logging in the user to Zoom, but it is allowing them to join your meeting:

Add the &pwd={password} query param to the url like this:


Or you can implement OAuth which logs in the user to their Zoom account, and then direct them to the meeting url which opens the Zoom App.

There is also a setting which only allows logged in Zoom users with certain email names to join your meeting.


Let me know if that helps!


That is awesome! Just a question. Where do I find the “base64encoded username”? I did an API call to get all of my user information. Am I correct that I can encode it with something like this? https://www.base64encode.org/

Also, do you by any chance know if the “id” returned is also the sid and uid from this article? I am a little unclear. I created a script that returned user information like “first_name”, “last_name” etc. It didn’t return uid or sid but it returned “id”. This would be in reference to the following article:


I could give you the URL for the scripts I’ve written to return the data but I wouldn’t want to do that publicly. I believe I have also returned the user token with a different script.


Does that look familiar? I just want to make sure I’m plugging in the right data.


Hey @cgeo13,

The un param can be anything you would like! So if you wanted cgeo13 to display as your name for the meeting, you would simply base64 Encode it, after which it would become Y2dlbzEz.

The uid is the User ID returned from the GET /users endpoint or GET /user/{email} endpoint.

Let me know if that helps!
