macOS meeting sdk sample not authorising

Hi, @hunter1 and @nevaty ,

Sorry for the trouble getting started with macOS Meeting SDK. Here is a step-by-step walkthrough of getting started with macOS Meeting SDK v5.14.6.17875. To help rule out SDK JWT authentication, I manually generated a JWT token.

Here are the steps I used :

  1. Download SDK

  2. Open ZoomSDKSample.xcodeproj in the appropriate ZoomSDKSample folder.

  3. Selecct ZoomSDKSample for (universal) and update macOS Deployment Target 11.0

  4. Build the sample ZoomSDKSample for (universal)

  5. Manually enter the domain:

  6. Use epochconverter to get an epoch timestamp. Enter values for iat, exp, and tokenExp.

  "appKey": "YOUR_SDK_KEY,
  "role": "1",
  "iat": 1683930881,
  "exp": 1684017271,
  "tokenExp": 1684017271
  1. Generate an SDK JWT, and enter the value in the field.

  2. In your Zoom client, start a meeting in your join client and in the toolbar, select Meeting, Invite to see the meeting ID and passcode. View this information when you select the green “Meeting information” shield in the top-left corner of the Meeting window.

  3. In the ZoomSDKSample window, choose the Join Only tab and enter the Meeting ID, a User Name, and the Meeting Password for the meeting you started and select Join

Video Walkthrough

Additional Notes:

  • The “Join Only” is joining a meeting anonymously, so you have to have an existing meeting, it does not start a meeting.

  • Be sure to remove space in between characters

  • The current version only includes the library for universal, so you will need to build the universal project

  • Starting from 5.14.0, we no longer require the ZoomSDK folder to move into the ZoomSDKSample folder

  • The following is just a warning, and not actual error: dynamic_cast error 1: Both of the following type_info’s should have public visibility. At least one of them is hidden. N3Cmm9CmmMQ_MsgE, N3Cmm14CmmInternelMsgE.

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