Make (Integromat) - Watch New Chats

We are using the Zoom App in Make (Integromat). Specifically, we are using the “Watch New Chats” to trigger the scenario. However, it appears that chat events will only be triggered by internal (to our organization) contacts.

The application is such that we are monitoring this Team Chat as a means for supporting our client. So we are okay with having external contacts in our Team Chat Channel.

Is there a way to configure this Make Zoom App Module “Watch Chat Messages” to monitor ALL users in the team chat?

I haven’t found anything in the documentation, other than a small mention in the API specs that Zoom “no longer support the “external” users via API.”

We don’t need to develop a full-blown Marketplace app (although we’re trying that route as well) but this simple integration would be perfect if external users could be monitored for new chats.
