Master Account API Failure


I have been trying to use Accounts API, everytime I am getting invalid access token error. I need to get list of sub accounts. In OAuth App I have provided all required scopes still the API is failing. Any help?



Thanks for reaching out to the Zoom Developer Forum and welcome to our community!
In order for you to user the Master Account APIs, you must have the Master account feature enabled in your account

Learn more about that here:


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Thanks for the reply @elisa.zoom. From the link it is not clear how to get a Master account. Do I need to buy any specific license or any role I have to specify? currently I am using Pro licensed admin user to work with Zoom APIs. Could you please help? or if there is any sandbox or dummy master account you can provide for a limited time so that I can test master account features.

To get a Master account, you will have to contact Support and they will be able to guide you.

We do not have a sandbox or a dummy master account, but with a Pro licensed account you should be able to access to a lot of our endpoints.
Is there a specific one you would like to call that you are having issues with?

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