Matching user with participant audio file

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)

The only identifying information returned with the audio file object is the file_name property which is not unique. If I have 2 participants named “John”, the participant audio files will have the same file name — “Audio only - John”. How can I tell which participant audio file belongs to which user? Is there a way to find the userId of the participant audio file?

Sample API Response:

"participant_audio_files": [
"download_url": "",
"file_name": "Audio only - John",
"file_path": "/9090876528/path01/demo.mp4",
"file_size": 65536,
"file_type": "M4A",
"id": "a2f19f96-9294-4f51-8134-6f0eea108eb2",
"play_url": "",
"recording_end": "2021-06-30T22:14:57Z",
"recording_start": "2021-06-30T22:14:57Z",
"status": "completed"
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I think the best method here is to use the recording ID or the ID from the download URL to rename the audio file. At this time, we don’t have a method to change the name of the file.

Let me know if that helps.

Hey Max,

Thanks for the quick response. The recording ID or the ID from the download URL don’t tell me who the user is. When the API returns the data, I’m not sure how to determine which participant audio file belongs to which user. For example, let’s say I’m in a meeting with 2 other users named John. The API call will return the following data for participant_audio_files:

"participant_audio_files": [
"download_url": "random_download_url",
"file_name": "Audio only - Krunal",
"file_path": "random_file_path",
"file_size": 65536,
"file_type": "M4A",
"id": "random_file_id",
"play_url": "random_play_url",
"recording_end": "random_end_time",
"recording_start": "random_start_time",
"status": "completed"
"download_url": "random_download_url",
"file_name": "Audio only - John",
"file_path": "random_file_path",
"file_size": 65536,
"file_type": "M4A",
"id": "random_file_id",
"play_url": "random_play_url",
"recording_end": "random_end_time",
"recording_start": "random_start_time",
"status": "completed"
"download_url": "random_download_url",
"file_name": "Audio only - John",
"file_path": "random_file_path",
"file_size": 65536,
"file_type": "M4A",
"id": "random_file_id",
"play_url": "random_play_url",
"recording_end": "random_end_time",
"recording_start": "random_start_time",
"status": "completed"

The id property in the returned data refers to the file id, not the user id. The only user identifying information is the file_name which includes the user’s name. I know to match my zoom userID with the first file because it has my name in the file name. However, I can’t do that with the other 2 files because they both have the same file name since both users had the same Zoom name. So, there is no sure way to match which zoom userIds the other 2 files belong to. I need to be sure that the 2nd audio file came from John with user_id 123 and the 3rd one came from John with user_id 789 for example.

Is there a way to get this information? Is there another API call that can help me get user info about the recording files?


If the response for participant_audio_files returned an additional field: participant_user_id, this issue would be resolved.


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