The name in the file_name of participant_audio_files in the recording.completed webhook is different from the name in Get past meeting participants

API Endpoint(s) and/or Zoom API Event(s)


We identify the individual audio files by comparing the names in the file_name of participant_audio_files in the recording.completed webhook data with the names of Zoom meeting participants obtained from the Get past meeting participants API. We identify which user the individual audio file belongs to by matching the name contained in the file_name of participant_audio_files in the recording.completed webhook data with the names of Zoom meeting participants, which can be retrieved with the Get past meeting participants API.

However, in some cases, the names of the individual audio files did not match the names of the participants of a certain user. (This user was not logged in to Zoom.)

Why do the names not match?

    "uuid": "meeting_id",
    "id": 1234567890,
    "participant_audio_files": [
            "id": "uuid",
            "recording_start": "2024-01-18T00:10:22Z",
            "recording_end": "2024-01-18T02:43:48Z",
            "file_name": "Audio only - AAA",
            "file_type": "M4A",
    "duration": 8063,
    "failover": False,
    "id": "",
    "join_time": "2024-01-18T00:29:09Z",
    "leave_time": "2024-01-18T02:43:32Z",
    "name": "BBB",
    "registrant_id": "",
    "status": "in_meeting",
    "user_email": "",
    "user_id": "xxxxxxxx"