Meaning of numerical user roles in GetUserInfoByUserID(userid)

When calling GetUserInfoByUserID(userid) in zoom_meeting.js for a joined user during a meeting, user objects are returned with the following format:

        "userName": "user's display name",
        "email": "",
        "isHost": false,
        "userID": 123456,
        "isVideoOn": true,
        "isAudioMuted": true,
        "isMySelf": true,
        "userRole": 32766,
        "isPurePhoneUser": false,
        "WebinarAtendeeStatus": true

Is there documentation on what the numerical userRole property means? I can’t find any documentation that associates these userRole numbers with the actual user roles (and in this particular case, I couldn’t make even an educated guess about the number 32766).

Thank you!

Hi rachel,

Thanks for the post. What is the SDK version you are using? On which platform are you getting this return value? (Mac or Windows)?


Hi @carson.zoom,

I’m using SDK version 4.4.55968.0904, and getting this return value on Mac. Apologies for not including that info in the original post.

Some additional context that may be useful: I collect the user info via GetUserInfoByUserID on user join (when meetinguserjoincb is triggered). For other users in the meeting, the userRole contains values such as 5 or 1. Sometimes (I haven’t nailed down exactly when yet), meetinguserjoincb is triggered with a userid not related to any of the participants in the meeting, and will return this (this is just one example):

    "userName": "",
    "email": "",
    "isHost": false,
    "userID": 6,
    "isVideoOn": true,
    "isAudioMuted": true,
    "isMySelf": true,
    "userRole": 32766,
    "isPurePhoneUser": false,
    "WebinarAtendeeStatus": true

I was wondering if the userRole meant something specific here, so I could differentiate it from the actual meeting participants.

Thank you!

Hi rachel,

Thanks for the reply and the info. Really appreciate it. It is strange that you got a big number for the userRole field as the userRole is defined in here:, and the default value should be 0.

Are you able to reproduce this issue with our demo app? Could you provide the steps to reproduce this with our demo app? Thanks!

Hey @carson.zoom,

Thanks for the info on where the userRole is defined. You can reproduce the error with the sample app by first adding the following lines in the function meetinguserjoincb(useritem) in main.js:

for(var i = 0; i < useritem.length; i++)  {
    var this_user = useritem[i].userid;

or for the current SDK version:

for(var i = 0; i < useritem.length; i++)  {
  var this_user = useritem[i].userid;


  1. Launch the sample app, triggering the app user information to be logged (after sign-in).
  2. Have a user join the meeting outside the app, and then have them leave the meeting (such that the sample app is still running, and you watch them join and leave the meeting).

When the user leaves, the app triggers meetinguserjoincb in the fashion I described above (I wasn’t able to reproduce that large number again, that might be something on my end I haven’t nailed down yet?)

Let me know your thoughts, and I’ll update if I can reproduce that number again.


Hi rachel,

Thank you very much for the detailed reply. I have forwarded this to the engineering team and they are investigating this. We are currently not able to reproduce the large number at the moment, and we will continue looking into this.

Please let us know if you have any new findings. Thanks!