I am using Get Meeting Participants Reports to get participant data from Zoom meetings via their meetinguuid.
I was looking for further documentation on user id which I have assumed would fit the formatting of int64 or bigint (or even a varchar of length eight).
What I know from the given documentation under the participants array is it is a locally unique identity attribute and (I assume) could return null or different results if the user was a ‘guest’ (not a Zoom user under the associated account)
For one meeting (MeetingUUID = ‘KLp6/dd/SFaDAHW5j4a4vQ==’) the result contains three participants with a datetime added to the end of the userid (see screenshot).
I was wondering if there was further information or a case to this as I have not encountered this with any other meetings
Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
What you are seeing in the is by design in our system. Upon checking, we found that the meeting failed over. We add the date after the value of user_id to mark (indicate) the meeting failed over.
But my question was:
What do you mean when a meeting fails over? How does that occur?
Also it’s not documented. But also can the user id be separated from the time stamp? Like with a pipe character so we can still obtain the user id?