Unable to get RoleId of user while fetching the user

Hi Team,
I want to get the RoleId of Role which is associated with User, But ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/Users’ and ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/Users/{UserId}’ doesn’t return the RoleId.
The API ‘https://api.zoom.us/v2/Users/{UserId}’ returns the Role Name, but how can I correlate the role name with roleId of user’s role?

Can I get the roleId while fetching a single user?
Is the role name unique across the application?
Is there any enhancement present for ‘/Users’ API to return the roleId?

Hey @connectivity,

Currently the roleId is not returned from the Get Users endpoints. Feel free to add this as a feature request here: #feature-requests

The Role Name is not unique, you can have multiple roles named the same.

If this helps, you can take a somewhat opposite approach and List Members in a Role.


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