Meeting does not exist: 9239282382


I am calling the Zoom Meeting API:” + meetingId + “/participants”
And passing in a valid meetingId and for some instances, I am getting the error “Meeting doesn’t exist” some times. Some times it works.
I am trying to understand, why does it fail some times. I looked through forum and have seen this question and read that the meeting Id changes, after the meeting starts. Does this happen only some times? I am trying to understand, before I can try to work around for a fix.
I saw some posts, that we need to get the updated meeting Id.
Can you help me understand and what would be the ideal way to handle this.

Thank you, --Ram

Hello Ram,

It sounds like you’re encountering some inconsistencies when using the Zoom Meeting API, specifically when retrieving participant information from past meetings. The issue where you receive a “Meeting doesn’t exist” message might occur due to several reasons:

  1. Meeting ID Changes: As you mentioned, the meeting ID can change after the meeting starts, especially for recurring meetings with a dynamic meeting ID.
  2. Deleted Meetings: If the meeting has been deleted from Zoom’s records, it won’t be accessible via the API.
  3. API Timing: There might be a delay between the meeting’s end time and the availability of data through the API. This could cause intermittent access issues.
  4. Meeting Visibility Settings: Depending on the settings for the meeting, certain meetings may not be visible or accessible after they have concluded.
  5. Authentication Issues: Your OAuth token might be expiring or lacking the necessary permissions to access some meetings’ details.

To handle these potential issues effectively, here’s what I suggest:

  • Persistent Meeting IDs: For recurring meetings, always use the most current meeting ID, which can sometimes be different from the originally scheduled meeting ID.
  • Webhooks: Use Zoom Webhooks to get real-time notifications about when a meeting ends. This will give you a stable reference and allow you to know exactly when to make an API call.
  • Error Handling: Implement robust error handling that accounts for possible delay in data availability and retries the request after a sensible interval if needed.
  • Meeting Information Verification: Before making the API call, ensure that the meeting hasn’t been deleted or altered in a way that would prevent you from accessing its data.
  • Token Management: Make sure your API authentication method is valid and up-to-date. Regularly refresh your access tokens and check that your app has the required scopes to access past meeting information.
  • Zoom API Support: If the above steps don’t resolve the issue, reach out to Zoom API support with specific meeting IDs and instances to get more tailored help.

Remember to handle user data with care and stay compliant with all relevant privacy regulations when accessing past meeting data.

I hope this helps clarify why you’re seeing inconsistencies and provides a path forward to resolve them.

Thank you for the information you provided regarding the inconsistencies that we can see calling this API. I will try the suggestions you provided to see if that helps us. Thanks again.