GET /meetings/{meetingId} request returns "code: 3001, message: meeting does not exist" error

Every time I try to make a GET request with a zoom meeting ID, I receive the “meeting does not exist error”. The only meeting ID that does provide the expected API response is my own personal meeting ID.

I’ve tried making the GET request with meeting IDs that I know are valid, and keep getting the same error.

“code”: 3001,
“message”: “Meeting does not exist: 190210132.”

Which App Type (OAuth / Chatbot / JWT / Webhook)?
I am currently using JWT.

Which Endpoint/s?{meetingId}

How To Reproduce (If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Make API request with credentials and valid zoom meeting ID
  2. See error

Is the /meetings/{meetingId} endpoint only for meetings on an individual users account? Meaning that I would only be able to use this API for meetings that I create with my own Zoom account? If so, that should be made clear in the documentation.

Hi @aarongoldsmith1 ,

Thanks for reaching out about this.

Meaning that I would only be able to use this API for meetings that I create with my own Zoom account?

That’s correct—you’ll only be able to query meetings under your own account/associated with your credentials. Our apologies for any confusion, and thanks for the feedback on this—we will work on making this clearer in our documentation.


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