Meeting exist but i get meeting does not exist error code 3001

hi everyone
I have checked the some of previous similar problems but most of the given links is broken. so i might be duplicate this problem.
I create a monthly recurring meeting, then i try to delete it but response was:

    "code": 3001,
    "message": "Meeting does not exist: 81354791636."

then I start meeting and someone join that meeting. but response still same as on the top. meeting id is 81354791636
by the way how i can access the given links in the previous solutions???
thank you

Hi @zethmentor ,

I do not see this meeting in our system. You said you deleted it? Are you seeing it in your web portal still?


I tried to delete it but I couldnt. because response from api was “Meeting does not exist”. but as you seeon screen shot, it is still exist in my web portal

I tried to delete it but I couldnt. because response from api was “Meeting does not exist”. but as you see on screen shot, it is still exist in my web portal

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