Meeting SDK C# wrapper

Hello ,

I’m trying to build Meeting SDK app.

My need is to get audio stream from live meeting - Basically I need to know every word spoken in the meeting in real time/near real time and as far as I understand Zoom Api doesn’t support live transcript but it does support the meeting SDK which allow me to get the audio stream(after that I will use a third party to convert the audio to text).

I’m using the Windows C# wrapper for that which supplied here :

I need to add to the wrapper the “onOneWayAudioRawDataReceived” function implementation from IZoomSDKAudioRawDataDelegate Interface to the IMeetingAudioControllerDotNetWrap interface.

There is an example of doing it to another function like described here : Zoom Meeting SDK C# Wrapper

I need the implementation of the function mentioned above so I can use it in the C# wrapper and extract the audio stream.

I hope it was clear and would love to get some help doing that.

It looks like this topic was resolved in another thread. For other members who may be interested in the feedback provided, our engineers shared we don’t have this functionality implemented in the C# wrapper, so there isn’t much guidance we can give on how to implement it other than the documentation referenced above. We do however have an overview of the feature here which will tell them which methods/callbacks they should add.

That being said, the Meeting SDK also supports live transcription so one wouldn’t need to use raw data to achieve the functionality they’re looking for. The callback to receive live transcription messages is onLiveTranscriptionMsgReceived:

HI ,

Thanks for responding.
I already got the information about the live transcription and I also implemented the interface and use it through the C# wrapper.

However I think my account does not meet the Prerequisites because I can’t use the live transcript via the client and also when trying to use the interface functions getting SDKERR_MEETING_DONT_SUPPORT_FEATURE which means that The current meeting doesn’t support the feature.

Any thoughts about that ?


@eladw ,

It my understanding you need the following Prerequisites to use Language Interpretation:

Prerequisites for using Language Interpretation

  • Host must be on a Business, Education, or Enterprise account; or a Pro account with the Zoom Webinars add-on plan

  • Meeting with an automatically generated meeting ID

Using Language Interpretation in your meeting or webinar

Does your account meet the Prerequisites?

Hi ,

Thank you very much I’ll look into it.

Another thing please that could be related :

I’m trying to enable the live transcription in zoom meeting (in user native client and also for API needs) .

However I don’t see this closed captioning option.(see image attached)

As I understood I look for it under admin → Account managment → account settings → in meeting(advanced) .

Is that a license issue ?


I’m an admin with pro account.

@eladw, I believe the live transcription endpoint is actually to receive transcription from assistive services where a human transcriber can attend the call to transcribe, or transcription from a 3rd party Zoom App like Rev.

From my understanding, that endpoint will only give you back transcription if you have one of those two options configured and enabled for the meeting.

If you’re looking to get a machine generated transcript without having a human transcriber, or having your users install another app, then you need to receive the real-time audio stream from Zoom and run it through a transcription provider on your system.

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