Meeting SDK returns error when calling sdkAuth() with JWT

Meeting SDK Type and Version
iOS Meeting SDK version

The iOS SDK can’t authenticate when using the JWT token (instead of SDK KEY and SECRET).
NOTE: We have an MeetingS SDK app for Zoom

guard let authorizationService = MobileRTC.shared().getAuthService() else {
authorizationService.delegate = self
authorizationService.jwtToken = jwtToken

I am using SDK KEY and SECRET to generate the JTW token and already validated the token several times and it seems fine, the SDK also doesn’t complain about that.

MobileRTCAuthError: MobileRTCAuthError(rawValue: 4)

From Zoom documentation: MobileRTCAuthError_AccountNotEnableSDK 3025 Your account does not support SDK

How To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior including:
*1. Authentication the SDK with JWT
2. Error MobileRTCAuthError(rawValue: 4) from the delegate method

How you are generating JWT token?

Thanks for your reply, @nausher I attached the BE code where I generate the JWT token in Typescript:
Guide: Meeting SDK Auth

     const KJUR = require('jsrsasign')

      const iat = Math.round((new Date().getTime() - 30000) / 1000)
      const exp = iat + 60 * 60 * 2
      const oHeader = { alg: "HS256", typ: "JWT" }

      const oPayload = {
        sdkKey: process.env.ZOOM_SDK_KEY,
        mn: meetingNumber,
        role: role, // 0 or 1
        iat: iat,
        exp: exp,
        appKey: process.env.ZOOM_SDK_KEY,
        tokenExp: iat + 60 * 60 * 2,

      const sHeader = JSON.stringify(oHeader)
      const sPayload = JSON.stringify(oPayload)
      const signature = KJUR.KJUR.jws.JWS.sign(

Hi @chunsiong.zoom
Do you have any idea about this issue that I posted?
Thanks in advance

The admin might have likely disabled SDK support for the account

I’m the Admin, but have seen such an option to disable SDK for an app in the marketplace, do you know where this can be found?

can you raise a ticket? this might be disabled at the request of the customer, if not could you reach out to your account manager?

I’ve submitted a ticket and waiting for their response. Thanks for the suggestions

could you share the ticket number here? thanks!

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Here you go: 17496682

Hi @chunsiong.zoom Any idea how to address this issue?
I’ve received a reply from Zoom support on my ticket stating that I need to seek help on devforum!!

Hi there,
Thank you for contacting Technical Support! Our Developer Advocacy team has moved over to our Zoom Developer Forums.  In order to ensure that your inquiry is addressed, please navigate to the Zoom Developer Forums for assistance.
If you are interested in additional developer support options for your account, please reach out to your account executive or visit  for more information on our developer support tiers.
For any non-developer issues or concerns, you can view your support contact options for Zoom Technical Support here:, in the meantime, we’ll be closing this ticket out.
Thank you!

What do you think?

noted, I’ll reach out internally and get back to you on this

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@mehrshad ,

meanwhile, can you confirm that your SDK Credentials (SDK Key and SDK Secret) are from Meeting SDK App Type?

I’ll also reach out to you via PM for a sample of your JWT token. just to confirm we have all the necessary troubleshooting steps covered.

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Yes, that’s our account.

And yes, credentials are from our Meeting SDK app: WorqApp for Zoom

Sure, please reach out via PM.


Hi @chunsiong.zoom
I would like to see if there is any update on our case.

@mehrshad I’m still waiting for a response. Have you tried using the JWT token on web sdk by the way?

Yes @chunsiong.zoom I’ve tried on the web, it gives the following error when joining too:

{type: 'JOIN_MEETING_FAILED', reason: 'Not support start meeting via tokens', errorCode: 200}

Our older version of our mobile apps which were using SDK key and secret to authenticate the SDK also doesn’t work.

I believe there is an issue with our Zoom Account where we have our Meeting SDK app.

Hi @chunsiong.zoom
Hope you are doing well.
May I know if there is any update from the team?

i’m following up with the team daily on this, still waiting for a response

OK :+1: thanks. Let us know as soon as you have updates