Meeting SDK Web - 3.1.6 Setting Popper placement issue

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We have recently upgraded Zoom Web SDK version to 3.1.6
@zoom/meetingsdk”: “3.1.6”
This upgrade is causing a minor issue with the “Settings” popper placement. We are using below settings on init to place the popper right below our header element.
setting: {
popper: {
disableDraggable: true,
anchorElement: gncWebAppHeaderElement,
placement: isSmallDevice ? “bottom” : “bottom-end”
Earlier the output used to display like below Screenshot -

But after the upgrade, with same settings on init, the popper seems to not respect the "placement: “bottom-end” setting. The output now looks like -

Hoping to know if I am doing something incorrect or is this an issue from zoom sdk end? Appreciate any help! Thanks in advance!

Browser Console Error
The full error message or issue you are running into.

Which Web Meeting SDK version?
Knowing the version can help us to identify your issue faster. [e.g. 1.9.9]

Meeting SDK Code Snippets
The code snippets that are causing the error / issue so we can reproduce.

To Reproduce(If applicable)
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to ‘…’
  2. Click on ‘…’
  3. Scroll down to ‘…’
  4. See error

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Troubleshooting Routes
The troubleshooting attempt types you’ve already exhausted, including testing with the appropriate sample app (found on Zoom · GitHub).

Device (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. Macbook Pro]
  • OS: [e.g. macOS 11]
  • Browser: [e.g. Chrome]
  • Browser Version [e.g. 88.0.4324.150 (Official Build) (x86_64)]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

I was able to replicate this behavior with react sample web sdk app


I also tried with sdk version 2.17.0 of sample app and the behavior is working as expected in that version. So, this is specific to “@zoom/meetingsdk”: “3.1.6”,

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