Meeting Statistics

Is there a way to retrieve any statistics on the connection quality of a previous meeting? This page suggests the data is available during the call but we need it for afterwards.

Our (simplified) use case is that our clients pay for meetings and we would only like to provide free rescheduling if the connectivity issues was on our side rather than the client side. So we would like statistics to work this out.

Thank you

Hi @oren.sivan I would recommend looking at our Dashboard Meeting Participant Quality of Service APIs:

Thanks @michael.zoom!

This seems to be only available for business accounts and higher - so my Pro account would not be able to use it, right?


@oren.sivan Ah, yes that’s correct. Sorry about that. Meeting Quality of Service data is a rather intensive data operation and is only available to Business/Enterprise/Education accounts.

Understood, thanks @michael.zoom for the quick follow up!

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Let us know if you have additional questions! :slight_smile:
